
Digital Fitness for leaders and teams

For the digital workplace and work environment, managers and employees need an upskilling of their skills, which we describe as digital fitness. Digitisation know-how is often referred to the ability to use tools and technology. It is much more than this.

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Successful digital collaboration & leadership

Not only business models in companies are changing rapidly, but also the everyday work of each individual and how we collaborate. We work together from different locations, more flexibly, and from anywhere, and this challenges leaders, collaboration, and team communication.

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Organisational and personal resilience for a resilient workforce in the digital era

The issue of stress and mental health are among the most critical challenges facing companies today and in the future. Both resilience at the organisational and personal level is necessary to prevent burnout in the long term. On the one hand, managers must deal with the factors influencing stress in digital collaboration and digital work. On the other hand, they must create an environment for their employees to develop resilience.

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