
Successful digital collaboration and leadership

Not only are business models in companies changing rapidly, but also the everyday work of every individual. Tools give us completely new opportunities for digital collaboration. We can work and interact with each other flexibly from anywhere and at any time. This brings many advantages but also challenges in established structures.

In many companies, a kind of hybrid team constellation can increasingly be observed. Smooth communication is crucial for success. But simply using tools is not enough. I see this mistake of focusing purely on tools in so many companies. Virtual collaboration and leadership at a distance need specific design approaches.

Managers and employees we talk to seek clarity and orientation on what needs to be done. Identifying the first small and simple next step is essential based on the current company situation.

Leaders have the following challenges in the new digital world of work:

  • Create goals and a shared understanding and value base
  • Adapting the working environment for digital collaboration
  • Understand and adequately integrate synchronous and asynchronous collaboration into the daily work routine
  • Ensure that everyone on the team has the tools they need
  • Select tools correctly according to usage scenarios
  • Create transparency about roles and responsibilities
  • Give feedback correctly, resolve conflicts at a distance
  • Strengthen team spirit at a distance
  • Know and master the specifics of digital communication
  • Knowing and reducing stress factors
  • Develop organisational and personal resilience


For teams:

  • Implement routines and rituals that facilitate digital collaboration
  • Use the right tools and communication channels correctly: collaborate efficiently, communicate, innovate, and share knowledge.
  • Increase productivity – without risking burn-out
  • Strengthen the team bond, even if you don’t meet in person
  • Work together creatively at a distance
  • Create space for focus time and master your time management

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