
Nadine Soyez

10 Tips how to run Online Meetings efficiently

In many companies I find that the topic of "online meetings" or remote meetings brings some challenges for those involved.Online meetings have become an integral part of our work because teams work more and more distibuted. If you use these tips in your online meetings, you can run them very efficient.

5 Recommendations for the success of an Enterprise Social Network and Social Collaboration Tools

In companies that use social collaboration tools successfully for connetcing with each other and sharing information, employees say they find colleagues with relevant expertise and the right knowledge easier and they can solve problems faster and easier. Why does this work better in some companies than in others, and why do companies always make the same mistakes when they implement social collaboration tools? In this article I describe the five most important recommendations for the success of an Enterprise Social Network and Social Collaboration Tools.

Imagine: „We have an Enterprise Social Network and no one cares!“

Forced by digitalization and new ways of working, more and more companies want to build a strong social enterprise network (esn). But if you look at reality, such tools are hardly used. Many mistakes are already made during conception and implementation. In this article I describe some recommendations and best practices from a variety of projects of development and implementation of esn and social collaboration tools.

6 Tips for mindfulness in dealing with technology and information

Technologie verschafft uns viele neue Möglichkeiten. Die Voraussetzung ist, dass wir diese richtig nutzen. Viele Menschen verspüren jedoch den Druck ständig erreichbar zu sein. Und viele fühlen sich durch die Fülle an Informationen überfordert, das Relevante herauszufiltern. Mitarbeiter müssen nicht nur die Anwendung von Tools und Technologie in ihrer Arbeit, sondern auch den bewussten Umgang mit diesen Tools und den verfügbaren Informationen lernen.

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