
Workshop: Resilience in the digital work environment - how to build organisational resilience

We are constantly confronted with new challenges and changes in today’s digital workplace and digital transformation.

Contradictions promote stress and burnout – tensions and opposites characterise the digital work environment world:

  • Flexibility versus constant accessibility
  • Practices and methods that are lived versus those that are desired
  • Isolation versus communication overload in chats, emails, and meetings
  • Preservation of the known versus constant change

Many people hope that tomorrow will be similar to today, the future to the present. Many feel they are losing control or that things can no longer be planned. This all leads to stress and attacks our mental health.

„Resilience“ is far more a new hype or trendy term. The risk of burnout or mental stress increases, and current studies show this like the German BGM-Studie „#Whatsnext – Healthy work in the hybrid work environment “ March 2023:

38,5 %

of the surveyed managing directors, health managers say that mental stress in the workplace, such as burnout, is of great or at least rather great importance in their company.

69,3 %

say that this will increase even more by 2025.

40 %

of the companies offer help like training and workshops for their employees to reduce stress and strengthen their resources. But this is only symptom control.

63 %

indicate that managers play great or very great importance.

Today, companies must pay more attention to the issue of resilience. Pure well-being offers are not enough and only have a short-term effect.

What is needed is the promotion of resilience at the personal – and increasingly important – at the organisational level. A digital workplace designed to be resilient is the prerequisite for employees to develop personal resilience in the company in the long term.

This will you expect

Purpose & Values

Communication & Feedback

Improved Digital & Healthy Work Organisation

Digital Trust & Team Building

What you will learn:

  • Factors for organisational resilience in the digital workplace and why organisational resilience is critical for personal resilience
  • Methods for practical implementation
  • The role of the leader and what you can do to help employees build resilience in the digital workplace
  • Team building and conflict resolutions
  • Overview and introduction to mechanisms to develop your personal resilience daily
    The direct transfer of what you learn to your company and team

Your benefit:

We are known for our always practice-oriented approaches and methods focusing on immediate implementation in your team, company, and everyday work. The exchange with other companies in the open workshop will give you best practice knowledge, new ideas, and inspiration from other teams and managers.

2x interactive online sessions of 3 hours 

Please message us or select a date and book a call directly into the schedule to get more information.



Empower people to succeed in the digital work environment

You are donating to : Greennature Foundation

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