
Online Workshop: What skills do we need for the modern digital work environment?

In an increasingly digital work environment, companies need managers and employees who are digitally fit, which requires specific attitudes, skills, and behaviours.

They need upskilling, which we describe as digital fitness. Digitisation know-how is often reduced only to applying tools and being tech-savvy. However, it is about much more than knowing how to use technology.

Companies have a skills gap: they lack comprehensive knowledge and understanding of what influences digital collaboration, how to design a thriving digital work environment, and what it takes to implement them in their own company.

In this online workshop, you will learn the following:

  • What are the necessary digital skills? – beyond Tools
  • What do you need for successful digital collaboration?
  • What are the specifics and the mindset of the digital work environment, how should we act, behave, and what should we learn?
  • Where do I stand, my team or company? What are our gaps, and what can we implement now?

Your benefit:

You will learn practical approaches and methods you can implement for yourself, your company, or your team.

2x interactive online sessions of 3 hours 

Please send us a message or select a date and book a call directly into the schedule.



Empower people to succeed in the digital work environment

You are donating to : Greennature Foundation

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