Nadine Soyez has been a management consultant since 2005 and has extensive experience from various projects, working with large corporations and renowned management and IT consultancies. She is passionate about how technology impacts work, mindset, and life and how these changes can be positively shaped for both individuals and organisations.

Her mission is to help professionals and leaders become „digitally fit“ and support them in developing the skills necessary to succeed in the digital age.

She makes complex technologies accessible to specialists and managers with the aim of helping them advance in the use of digital technologies and tools and to utilise the potential of these technologies fully. In doing so, it bridges the gap between business and technology – two different languages that often talk at cross purposes. She is characterised by the fact that she combines all the necessary skills from her business and technical background with a deep understanding of technology and business. This is important in order to understand the complex challenges „holistically“.

Her strength is her ability to quickly empathise with a wide range of problems and business areas, identify new opportunities, and communicate complex topics in a simple, understandable way. Clients say they work with Nadine because of her practice-orientated approaches and practical road-maps that can be implemented immediately.

In 2015, she founded the boutique consultancy „Virtual Teams Heroes“. She works with clients worldwide.

Her private passion is road cycling. In her free time, she can mainly be found on her racing bike. By the way, this is why the website’s header shows landscape pictures and impressions of roads—inspiration for the next long ride and space for inspiration and new ways of thinking.

Experience, studies, further education

  • More than 15 years of professional experience in corporate groups, management consulting and media/marketing/consulting agencies in the field of IT project management and management consulting
  • Degree in Business Administration at the Baden-Württemberg/Mannheim Cooperative State University
  • Degree Master of Business Administration (MBA) in General Management at the Steinbeis School of International Business and Entrepreneurship (SIBE)
  • Further education „Prompt Engineering with Chat GPT and LLM“, „Data Analysis with Chat GPT and LLM“, and „Innovative Teaching with Chat GPT and LLM“, certificate courses from Vanderbilt University
  • Further education „Generative AI for Everyone“, certificate courses from DeepLearning.AI
  • Further education in organizational development, network organizations „Organizational Analysis“, certificate course from Stanford University
  • Further education in „Innovation Management“, certificate course from Erasmus University Rotterdam
  • Coaching certificate „Coaching Learning, Leadership and Change“ from the Case Western Reserve University
  • Microsoft certificate „Enabling Teamwork with Microsoft Teams“ a course of study offered by Microsoft through edX
  • Experience with different collaboration tools, e-learning tools, and digital learning formats

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New book "Practical knowledge, skills and checklists for the new hybrid working world"

With the digital transformation of the business world, managers feel more pressure than ever. Due to the corona crisis, the rise of mobile work, traditional leadership behaviour, and soft skills are being tested. Today’s managers increasingly need new skills and competencies.

What executives need in the new world of work is more digital „fitness.“ The authors offer a comprehensive development concept for acquiring these skills and thus better mastering new challenges. And they provide tips, checklists, and reflection questions that managers can use to bring themselves and their employees into the digital age in the best possible way.

Here you will find more information, a reading sample, and a table of contents here.

This book is available only in German.

Get in contact with Nadine

Office Frankfurt, Germany

nadine.soyez [at]

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