
Free interactive online Discovery Workshop

You are probably one of those who have already had their first experience of leading and working at a distance over the last few months. Maybe you have done very well during the pandemic so far.

Let’s now take a deep breath and do a retrospective together about your digital collaboration and leadership.

What was good? What exactly are the requirements and the challenges of your business in the future? What do you need to make this successful? What could be the next steps? Do you have anything in place to have a high-performance team? What is the missing ingredient in your remote or hybrid team? What do you need to make this successful?

There are so many simple techniques that can make a massive difference to increase performance and collaboration.

In this open interactive discovery workshop, together we will analyse your current state, identify gaps and talk about actions to help you achieve your goals, align your team and digital collaboration with business objectives, improve productivity and engagement.

  • Tools & Digital Collaboration
  • Digital Communication & Feedback
  • Engagement & Motivation
  • Digital Skills & Online Collaboration / Co-Creation
  • Coordination, processes, organisation in the virtual team based on your business processes

Also, benefit from the exchange in the group with participants from other companies.

Let’s find out how you can improve your digital work environment: collaboration, leadership, toolbox, and approaches.

The workshop is online and free of charge and reserved for people from companies only. You will receive notification of your participation after registration.

Enable and empower people to collaborate, connect and lead in the digital world

You are donating to : Greennature Foundation

How much would you like to donate?
$10 $20 $30
Would you like to make regular donations? I would like to make donation(s)
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